Call us on +44 (0)20 8088 4868

Living with tiredness, sleep problems, low mood and low sex drive or ED?


You could be suffering from low testosterone

as featured in

When your get up and go has got up and gone...


Testosterone is a naturally produced hormone that has a wide range of effects, including on energy levels and sex drive.

...and the older you get the more likely it is to decline, causing problems at home, at work and in bed.

So if you're feeling off your game, have little or no energy or your libido is a shadow of its former self, then low testosterone could be to blame.

...and it's not just about being off your game, it's also associated with a variety of potentially serious health problems, particularly in older men, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Don't be the average man!

Despite the debilitating impact of low testosterone on every day life, it's unfortunately something that most men won't talk about (more than half wait between 3 months and 2 years to seek help!).

They suffer in silence, saying things like "It's just part of getting older" or "I've just lost my mojo"

...and they make excuses like "not tonight darling, I've had a long day" or "I'm just not in the mood".

If you find your saying these things to yourself, then you might want to see if low Testosterone is to blame.


You can be your old self again

The good news is that you, like thousands of other sufferers, can be treated successfully and get back to being your old self again.

The Centre for Men’s Health — a leading expert clinic that’s been treating low testosterone and ED(erectile dysfunction) for more than 25 years — has helped thousands of men regain their health and vitality and return to a fulfilling sex life.

Alongside medical advice and treatment, the clinic also offers affordable comprehensive blood testing.

or call us today on 020 8088 4868.

Everything you wanted to know about the Male Menopause and testosterone related male health problems.

If you want to really understand about the Male Menopause and Testosterone related issues, we've created a free guide on the issues which you can download today.

Just complete the form below and we'll get the guide over to your email, along with other relevant information about the Centre for Men's Health and our services.

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Head Office

Centre for Men's Health
25 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QW

+44 (0)20 8088 4868

Also in Manchester